Week 14 Deliverables
With the final field outing, the focus of the flight was to compare the south burn plot with past field outings. On top of that, GCPs were placed, but Arc Collector was also used to compare the location of the actual GCPs compared to where the phone is triangulated when the point is captured over the GCP. For this flight, the same area was used. It was at PWA and covered the construction site, south burn plot, and the salamander tanks. The metadata for the flight is posted below. General LOCATION PURDUE WILDLIFE AREA dATE 041921 VEHICLE MAVIC 2 PRO SENSOR N/A BATTERY 2 fLIGHT INFORMATION FLIGHT NUMBER 1 tAKEOFF TIME 14:21 EST LANDING TIME 14:41 ALTITUDE (M) 121.92 SENSOR ANGLE 60 DEGREES oVERLAP 80% SIDELAP...