
Week 14 Deliverables

  With the final field outing, the focus of the flight was to compare the south burn plot with past field outings. On top of that, GCPs were placed, but Arc Collector was also used to compare the location of the actual GCPs compared to where the phone is triangulated when the point is captured over the GCP. For this flight, the same area was used. It was at PWA and covered the construction site, south burn plot, and the salamander tanks. The metadata for the flight is posted below. General LOCATION PURDUE WILDLIFE AREA dATE 041921 VEHICLE MAVIC 2 PRO SENSOR N/A BATTERY 2 fLIGHT INFORMATION FLIGHT NUMBER 1 tAKEOFF TIME 14:21 EST LANDING TIME 14:41 ALTITUDE (M) 121.92 SENSOR ANGLE 60 DEGREES oVERLAP 80% SIDELAP...

Week 13 Deliverables

  As the construction went on and the burn plot was finished, this field outing was used to create a 3D model of the construction trailers, and vehicles, while collecting data to show differences in the south burn plot. Similar to the field outing in the prior week, the flight took place at PWA over the construction, south burn plot, and the salamander tanks. The data will be used for comparison in a later field outing, similarly to the first field outing. The metadata is posted below from the flight that was performed. General LOCATION PURDUE WILDLIFE AREA dATE 041221 VEHICLE MAVIC 2 PRO SENSOR N/A BATTERY 2 fLIGHT INFORMATION FLIGHT NUMBER 1 tAKEOFF TIME 14:34 EST LANDING TIME 14:41 ALTITUDE (M) 121.92 SENSOR ANGLE 60 DEGREES ...

Week 12 Deliverables

  The purpose of this field outing was to refine our mission execution skills refined, but also to collect spatial data at Purdue Wildlife Area (PWA). The spatial data that was collected was to get a benchmark of the area that we will be studying for a few weeks. The area that was studied at PWA was the south burn plot, salamander tanks, construction, and the other fields within the area. This will be the start to being able to compare the differences of the burn plot through time. Figure 1 is the metadata that was recorded from the flight. General LOCATION PURDUE WILDLIFE AREA dATE 040521 VEHICLE MAVIC 2 PRO SENSOR N/A BATTERY 2 fLIGHT INFORMATION FLIGHT NUMBER 1 tAKEOFF TIME 14:43 EST LANDING TIME 14:54 ALTITUDE (M) 110 SENSOR ANGLE -90 D...

Field Notes from 4/19/21

  Use GCPs and & Locator info for week 13 and 14 deliverables Metadata saved and used for deliverables Metadata: General ---------------------------------------- Location: Purdue Wildlife Area Date: 4/19/2021 Vehicle: Mavic 2 Pro Sensor: Mavic 2 Pro Camera Battery: 2 Approval # (LAANC/COA/Waiver):   Flight Information ---------------------------------------- Flight Number: 1 Takeoff Time: 14:21 Landing Time: 14:34 Altitude (m): 91.44 Sensor Angle: -90° Overlap: 80% Sidelap: 80%   Geolocating ---------------------------------------- System Used (GCP type/PPK): GCP type Coordinate System: WGCS 1984 UTM Zone 16   Weather ---------------------------------------- Metar Used: KLAF   Crew ---------------------------------------- PIC: Matt Watson VO: Bryan Jacobs Submitter: Matt Watson   Notes ·         67°F ·         Win...